Rear-end collisions are among the most common types of accidents involving motor vehicles. However, just because these accidents occur often doesn’t mean you should be hesitant about seeking legal representation to recover compensation for someone else’s negligent actions. Partnering with an experienced car accident lawyer and following a few steps about what to do after […]
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Who Is Most Often at Fault in a Rear-End Collision?
Rear end collisions are among the most common types of car accidents in Connecticut and throughout the United States. Who is at fault in a rear-end collision is a common topic of concern among those who have been in these types of car accidents. It is also the source of misconceptions that can make it difficult to […]
Read MoreCan I Sue a Drunk Driver Who Hit Me in Connecticut?
Drunk driving poses a significant threat to public safety in Connecticut, endangering the lives of countless innocent individuals. The consequences of drunk driving accidents can cause severe injuries, property damage, and devastating emotional trauma. If you suffered injuries or lost a loved one due to an accident a drunk driver caused, you may wonder, “Can […]
Read MoreWhen to Get an Attorney After a Car Accident
Car accidents are all too common in Connecticut. According to the Connecticut Crash Data Repository, over 105,000 motor vehicle crashes took place in the state in one recent year alone, resulting in more than 35,000 injuries and 326 fatalities. While no one ever expects to be involved in a car crash, you need to know […]
Read MoreWhat Is the Statute of Limitations in a Car Accident Claim?
Understanding the statute of limitations in a car accident claim is crucial for anyone seeking compensation for their injuries and damages. Hiring a car accident attorney within the specified timeframe can protect your rights and remedies after a car accident. The following explains the statute of limitations, its importance, and how it can affect your […]
Read MoreHow Much Compensation Can You Get for a Pedestrian Accident?
If you’re wondering how much compensation you can get for a pedestrian accident, know there’s no fast or one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Many factors will determine how much money you might receive. Hiring a skilled pedestrian accident lawyer is critical to obtaining maximum compensation. They’ll guide you through the legal process more confidently, ensuring […]
Read MoreHow Much Is a Bicycle Accident Worth?
Bicycle accidents can have devastating consequences, both physically and financially. As a cyclist who suffered injuries, you must understand the potential value of your bicycle accident claim. Knowing the worth of your claim allows you to pursue fair compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and other losses incurred due to the accident. If you receive […]
Read MoreDog Bite Liability Laws in Connecticut
Unfortunately, dog bites occur far too often. They can lead to severe injuries and legal complications. It’s important to understand dog bite liability laws in Connecticut to seek justice if you’re a victim. The following is a look at Connecticut’s dog bite laws, including the strict liability statute, common defenses, why you need a Connecticut […]
Read MorePersonal Injury Calculator
Personal injury claims can be daunting. Car accidents, slip and falls, and other accidents caused by others can instantly disrupt your life. However, you have important legal rights to seek compensation. Understanding how to calculate how much compensation you deserve is necessary to ensure you receive fair recovery for your losses. This is where personal […]
Read MoreWhy You Need a Lawyer After a Slip and Fall at Walmart
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere but are particularly common at Walmart and similar retail establishments, where huge stores can mean spills and other hazards that a negligent workforce might ignore. If you suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident at Walmart, you may wonder if hiring a lawyer is necessary. Often, people […]
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