Connecticut has laws that protect residents of nursing homes from abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, these laws don’t stop predators from taking advantage of this vulnerable population. More challenging is proving that the nursing home staff or facility is responsible for the abuse or neglect. We at Flood Law Firm strive to make it as easy […]
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Can I Sue the City if I Was Hit by a City Bus | A Guide for Connecticut Bus Accident Survivors
A city bus that causes an accident can result in a devastating and overwhelming experience. You might wonder if you have any legal recourse against the city for your injuries and damages. The answer is yes. You can sue the city if you were hit by a city bus. However, you need a lawyer to […]
Read MoreWhat Are the Most Common Types of Distractions While Driving?
Cell phone use is often assumed to be the only type of distracted driving. While this action is one of the leading causes of car accidents, it isn’t the only distraction drivers engage in behind the wheel. At The Flood Law Firm, we aim to empower those injured by negligent driving behaviors with the information […]
Read MoreWhat Happens if I Am Injured as a Passenger on a Bus?
You’re on your daily commute, scrolling through your phone as the bus hums along its familiar route. Suddenly, there’s a screech of tires and a sickening crunch of metal, and your world turns upside down. In the chaos, as you assess yourself for injuries amidst the sounds of panicked voices and distant sirens, a sobering […]
Read MoreHow Is a Hit and Run Covered by Insurance?
A hit-and-run claim is among the most difficult types of accident cases. Understandably, the victims of hit-and-run accidents often feel anger and frustration that the driver fled the scene. It can also be challenging to bring a claim for injuries and damages after a hit and run. The Flood Law Firm can help you navigate […]
Read MoreWho Is Liable for a Construction Accident?
Who is liable for a construction accident? If you were injured or a loved one was hurt or killed in an accident on a construction site, a construction accident lawyer can help you understand your legal options. Until you speak to an attorney, it is difficult to know what legal recourse is available for a […]
Read MoreWhat to Do After a Car Accident
Car accidents can be life-altering events, leaving victims feeling overwhelmed, confused, and uncertain about their future. If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident in Connecticut, you’re likely grappling with many emotions and practical concerns. Is it too late to talk to a lawyer? Is your case worth their time? After an auto accident, […]
Read MoreWhat are the Types of Premises Liability Accidents in CT?
Accidents happen when you least expect them – sometimes when you’re injured on another’s property. If you experience an unfortunate accident and sustain injuries while on someone’s personal or private property, you may have a legal claim for compensation. Premises liability law allows injured victims to seek financial recovery for the injuries caused at the […]
Read MoreHow Much to Expect From a Car Accident Settlement
As a car accident victim, you have legal rights and options. Among these, you may have the right to pursue fair financial compensation for your accident-related injuries and losses. When you file a compensation claim, you may have many questions, one of the most important being, “How much can I expect from my settlement?” The […]
Read MoreWhat to Expect After a Car Accident
A car accident can be stressful and traumatizing. The moments after your collision may be confusing, but the following days and weeks can be even more difficult, especially if you’ve never been in a car crash. It is natural to fear the unknown and want to know what you might expect following your auto collision. […]
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