Getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol is never acceptable. Though it’s universally known that drunk driving is illegal and extremely dangerous, a problem still exists.
For instance, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), recently reported that every two minutes, a person is injured in a drunk driving collision.

A recent study conducted by ranked all 50 states with the worst DUI (Driving Under the Influence) problems. Though the State of Connecticut didn’t land on the top half of the list, there were still 8,148 DUI arrests made in 2014, indicating a need for increased awareness on the dangers of drunk driving.
How Connecticut Ranks for Drunk Driving
Data collected from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that out of 50 states, Connecticut is the 39th with the worst DUI problems. With a 6.2 percent increase in traffic deaths from last year, this epidemic can easily be prevented and should be addressed.
You Could Save a Life
It’s true that you cannot control another person, and preventing someone from getting behind the wheel after drinking is not usually a comfortable situation. Yet, however awkward or foreign it may feel, consider the long-term ramifications of helping to prevent someone from driving under the influence.
Tips for preventing someone from driving under the influence:
- Take their car keys
- Offer to drive them home
- Call a cab or other form of transportation
- Help arrange for an overnight stay somewhere
If you plan on consuming alcohol, you can choose to be a responsible drinker by:
- Giving someone your car keys
- Finding a designated driver before you start drinking
- Eating a substantial meal prior to drinking
- Consuming water between beverages containing alcohol
- Never driving, even after only one drink
Drunk Driving – It’s Not Worth It
In the State of Connecticut, a .08 percent blood alcohol consumption constitutes a DUI citation. Moreover, consequences for driving under the influence include jail time, fines or penalties and a license suspension. The number of offenses will determine the specific punishment.
For example, a driver’s first offense could result in as little as two days of jail time, or as much as six months. A third offense could be met with one to three years of jail time and as much as $8,000 in fines and penalties, as well as a permanent license suspension.
Of course, the most formidable risks for driving under the influence include personal injuries or death.
It is a matter of fact: drunk driving is not worth the risk.
Get in Touch with a Personal Injury Attorney Today
If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident involving a drunk driver, we offer our sincerest condolences. Our attorneys have zero tolerance for drunk drivers, and we firmly believe that no one should suffer because of another’s irresponsibility.
We want to help you move on with your life, and we at The Flood Law Firm are qualified to do just that. With decades of combined legal experience, our attorneys have the skills and knowledge to effectively assess your case and help determine your best course of action. We will do everything from making phone calls on your behalf to collecting medical records, so that you can focus on what is most important: your healing and recovery.
Contact us today by calling (860) 346-2695 for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.
You are not alone. The Flood Law Firm is here for you and ready to advocate for you.