It’s finally here.
After 18 years of homework, school pictures and yearbooks, high school graduation is no small occasion for any teen. There is anticipation enough with saying goodbye to your favorite teachers, prom, and accepting that you are now “officially” an adult. For such a treasured and memorable time, nothing ruins the fun faster than wondering if your classmates will be sober this graduation.
The attorneys of The Flood Law Firm are proud to sponsor the Class of 2017 for Portland High School’s Project Graduation!
Celebrate Responsibly

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) recently revealed the national average for teen drunk driving has decreased three times faster than in the State of Connecticut. It’s time for us to catch up!
At The Flood Law Firm, we have zero tolerance for drunk driving. We are parents, aunts, uncles and mentors, and deal everyday with people who have suffered the consequences of drunk driving. We want to help cut down on underage drinking by becoming a part of the solution, but we also want to reduce drinking and driving as a whole – for all age groups. This also goes for operating a boat if you are celebrating somewhere like Squantz Pond.
When Celebrating Goes Too Far
Of the 248 traffic fatalities that occurred in the State of Connecticut in 2014, 97 (39 percent) involved alcohol-impaired drivers (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).
The Impact of Drinking and Driving
Drinking and driving is very real, dangerous and widespread issue that affects all 50 states, not just Connecticut. In our country, a person loses their life every 53 minutes to a drunk driver. The goal of Portland High School Project Graduation is to bring universal awareness to this topic, especially how it impacts teens.
The project’s key message isn’t limited to the Portland area, but is applicable state-wide: Alcohol is not needed to have fun. Your high school graduation celebrations and functions can be just as memorable and fun without the use of booze or drugs.

Nothing good comes from driving under the influence. When a teen – or driver of any age – chooses to get behind the wheel after drinking, that driver has now put every other person on the road at risk for devastating consequences. Even if the driver is pulled over in time before tragedy strikes, getting an underage DUI citation can be significantly damaging to your future – not to mention expensive.
Project Graduation
Portland High School Project Graduation will be organizing and raising money for an alcohol and drug-free celebration for all students on or around graduation night. As funding allows, the project hopes to also pay for other graduation-related expenses and activities. As soon-to-be graduates, our teens deserve a fun, safe place to celebrate.
Help The Flood Law Firm Support The Class of 2017
At The Flood Law Firm, we want to wish the PHS Class of 2017 an exciting, safe graduation celebration this year. Good luck as you pursue your dreams after high school, and best wishes!
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